Station Data Help Information
Daily Time Series QC checks and actions.
Quality Control checks and decision result.
Element : Solar Radiation
if value < -17 ly/hr (-200 W-HR/m2) value = missing
if value > 172 ly/hr (2000 W-HR/m2) value = missing
if value < 0 ly/hr and value > -17 ly/hr value = 0 ly/hr
Element : Wind Speed (and Gust)
if value < 0 mph value = missing
if value > 200 mph value = missing
Element : Wind Direction
if value < 0 Deg value = missing
if value > 360 Deg value = missing
Element : Air Temperature
if value < -80 F (-62 C) value = missing
if value > 140 F (60 C) value = missing
Element : Soil Temperature
if value < -80 F (-62 C) value = missing
if value > 170 F (77 C) value = missing
Element : Fuel Temperature
if value < -80 F (-62 C) value = missing
if value > 170 F (77 C) value = missing
Element : Relative Humidity
if value < 0% value = missing
if value > 200% value = missing
if value > 100% and value < 200% value = 100%
Element : Barometric Pressure
if value < 14.76 in. HG. (500 mb) value = missing
if value > 31.90 in. HG. (1080 mb) value = missing
Element : Precipitation
if value < 0 in./hr. value = missing
if value > 40 in./hr. value = missing
Questions about output or comments can be directed to Western Regional Climate Center,
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