Station Frequency Distribution/Histogram


Stanton Arizona

Earliest available data: January 1985.
Latest available data: October 2024.
Check Data Inventory for data availability between earliest and latest date.

Set the starting date.

Select the
Select the
Select the

Set the ending date.

Select the
Select the
Select the

Select Element:


Select the Units

Select the distribution bin size:
(units same as selected above)

Select a bin boundary:
(units same as selected above)
(Ex#1: Bin size 2 and bin boundary 0 results in bin 0-2,2-4,4-6,etc.)
(Ex#2: Bin size 2 and bin boundary 1 results in bin 1-3,3-5,5-7,etc.)

Data Limits:
(units same as selected above)
(Any data value outside the boundaries will be considered as 'undesired' and treated like missing values.)
(Analysis is inclusive of values equal to the boundary value.)
(Any non-numeric value is considered as no limit.)

Lower Boundary:
Upper Boundary:

Table output format:
Table output quantity:

Number of decimal places for percent:

Hourly Averages
Include hourly averages summary:

Number of decimal places for averages:

Hourly Obs summary (Hourly total count):

Element obs filter:
Element #1:
Filter Type:
Lower Bound:
Upper Bound:
Element #2:
Filter Type:
Lower Bound:
Upper Bound:

Sub interval windows:
Select the
Starting Date:

Select the
Ending Date:

Select the
Starting Hour:
Select the
Ending Hour:

Disclaimer: As with all summarizing products, understanding the nature of the original data is important to understand the results of the summarized product. Any questions about the nature of the original data or the instrumentation used to collect the original data may be directed to the
Western Regional Climate Center,

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